
Just a small update on development

Just a small update on development

Although it’s taking some time, I’m still busy implementing a much needed feature. Namely that of adding POI’s to forests. This will mean you can add points of interest to your forest and display them on the map. This way you are not only able to log the exact location where you found wildlife but […]

Website downtime

Website downtime

Lately the website is showing errors. This could be HTTP error 500 or 503, or just slow in general. We have adjusted some settings and we will keep an eye on our reporting software and the logs to see if it solves the problem. Our status page isn’t updated automatically yet, so we manually need […]



A new version of ForestLog has just been uploaded to the PlayStore. The user experience hasn’t changed much but in the background there have been a lot of changes. The app now uses cloud storage so that it’s possible to use multiple devices at the same time and still have access to the same data. […]

Cloud feature

Cloud feature

It’s been a while since the last ForestLog update, but we are still working on it. The plan is to add cloud functionality with the next update. This will make it easier to backup your forests and use the app on different devices. This feature will be free at first but will be a payed […]

ForestLog V0.200B

ForestLog V0.200B

We just uploaded a new version on the Google Play Store. This is the first update available to english speaking people. This will be a jump start as you will be on the same version as the original dutch version. So the below list may look a bit silly as nothing was broken or missing […]